Monday, October 05, 2009

WebApp.Net and AdSense integration


In a previous post, i have explained how to integrate AdMob advertising with WebApp.

Today Google has announced the launch of AdSense for Mobile (high end devices only). Thanks to this new feature, you can now develop your mobile advertising with Google as well !!!.


This post will briefly describe how to integrate AdSense with WebApp.Net framework.

Mini tutorial

Step1: Registering an AdSense account

Of course this step is mandatory. All explanation are described here.

Step2: Creating your app advertising

This 4 steps wizard helps you to customize your advertising (device type, format, colors, channels). The last step provides you the javascript code to be included in the web page.


Step3: Adding  the javascript to the app

Simply add the javascript code just after the iHeader section of the app and just before the IGroup section as described in the next picture.


Step4: Enjoy !!!

That’s all for the integration…You can see as easy it is…


The sample code and the demo for the tutorial is available here:


It is very easy to integrate both of AdSense and AdMob advertising API. What will be your choice ?

Frederic shared items